The BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill is not only creating a mess in Florida and nearby States – it’s also creating a massive mess with BP’s decades-long campaign to work with NGOs on environmental issues.
All posts by Noel Turnbull
Come in Spinner: The Howard rejection — it’s more complicated than you think
Already the spin is in – John Howard got knocked back for the ICC job because he opposed the Zimbabwean Government. Sadly, it is much more complicated than that.
Come in Spinner: Does anyone in Canberra really know anything?
In science, getting closer and closer can lead to revelations. In political science, it often makes things darker and harder to see.
Come in Spinner: On the road to Canberra
People with influence and money have much better access to Canberra than ordinary Australians and interest groups.
Come in Spinner: When one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing
In the space of a month we have had two major national campaigns launched. What is odd about them is that they are sending precisely opposite messages.
I will survive! Surviving an economic crisis
An address delivered to the Public Relations Institute Association Breakfast in March 2010.
Addiction to soundbites and the media
How to provide communication antidotes for media-obsessed CEOs, Ministers and Ministerial staff.
Games, scenarios and chaos
What they mean for strategic planning.
The legitimacy of issues management
A framework for Government issues management.
A quick guide to issues management
The three elements of effective issues mangement.