Delivered to the Public Relations Institute of Australia's Communication Revolution! conference, April, 2010.
Come in Spinner: The sounds of silence
What do Melbourne’s centre of pub music, The Tote, and Arthur Conan Doyle’s reference to the dog that didn’t bark have in common?
Come in Spinner: How PR leans with the wind
At the recent Adelaide Writers’ Week panel discussion on The Future of Quality Journalism there were two moments when the audience and the panel had remarkable experiences.
Come in Spinner: Exclusive! Shock! Horror! Probe reveals PR influence
The UTS-Crikey analysis of PR influence on the media raises an issue of profound significance – when will journalists realise that PR influence is insignificant compared to other factors impacting on the media?
Come in Spinner: The gong show
Back in January an acquaintance of mine got a gong. It was a very good gong and very well-deserved.
Come in Spinner
There are three things to avoid in life and work – doing the wrong thing, doing dumb things and doing things badly.
Defining a new and better future for the VCA
A submission to the VCAM Review panel in February 2010.
Masterworks to warm a Melbourne winter
A look at the July Melbourne Winter Masterworks event, published in The Age in 2009.
Understanding the current Australian and global stakeholder climate and its implications
What is the current social and political climate, and how does it interact with perceptions of PR/PA practitioners?
What Works! A generational social marketing approach to changing alcohol consumption patterns
Delivered to the 2009 National DrinkWise Forum Solutions for a Safer Drinking Future.