Miscellany first suspected the world had turned upside down back in 2000 at the Sydney Olympics when the crowd chanted “Russia, Russia, Russia” in support of the Russian basketball team playing against the US team.
Miscellany: The making of modern America
On February 28 one of the most thought-provoking recent US exhibitions closes – the New York Historical Society’s show on Alexander Hamilton.
Miscellany: The biggest regional rort
The rain during February, and the controversy over the regional funding rorts, ought to be an opportunity to think about ongoing government regional rort - drought-relief.
Miscellany: What on earth is going on?
Just what on earth is going on in Canberra?
Miscellany: It’s not my fault!!!
One of the enduring features of US politics and the US world-view is that it’s always someone else’s fault – a phenomenon familiar to many of those with children.
Miscellany: Achieving competitive tax rates
The BCA and assorted others are calling yet again for tax cuts and tax reform.
Miscellany: Passports and promises
No doubt many crikey readers have looked at their passports in the past few months – no doubt for various reasons no doubt as well.
Miscellany: What’s wrong with the arts?
One of the fundamental problems with the arts in Australia (and other places) is that those who administer them are progressively doing more and more damage to the English language.
Miscellany: Better late than never?
“It’s time for the AICD to say where it stands on James Hardie” starts the CEO report in the December-January – yes December-January – issue of the Company Director, the AICD official publication.
Miscellany: The death of a journalist
These days journalists get killed with remarkable regularity – by “friendly fire”, by oppressive regimes and by the traditional self-inflicted wounds.