An alternative ALP campaign

The priestly pundit caste in the media is well into their election coverage rituals while the political parties are busy adjusting their strategies to tailor their offerings to these ritual needs.

For a start the pundits have already looked intensely at the runes on when the election will be held although the little matter of a cyclone has had unexpected impacts on that. read more

The Murdoch blight on media and politics

In any company which had a history of illegality; incurring massive costs for those illegal actions; polluted public discourse; and, made massive false claims about companies and institutions, the directors and managers would be facing summary sacking at an AGM. But in the case of News Limited all the evidence is that the company never learns from such lessons. read more

Tough guy not so tough

For a self-promoted tough guy – particularly if it involves refugee women and children – Peter Dutton’s career has been marked by many instances of being missing in action.

Abdul Rizvi (P&I 6/2/20) wrote that: “For years now Peter Dutton has boasted of his border protection achievements. But a brief examination of the detail of his boasts shows that while he has excelled in gratuitous cruelty, dog-whistling and eating taxpayers money, his actual border protection record is weak.” read more

An update on the Musk-Trump regime

It hasn’t taken long but the Trump honeymoon is over according to some polls.

A Reuters poll found that the share of Americans who disapprove of his presidency has risen more substantially, to 51% in the latest poll, compared with 41% right after he took office.

The share of Americans who think the economy is on the wrong track rose to 53%  – up from 43% in the January 24-26 poll. Public approval of Trump’s economic stewardship fell to 39% from 43% in the prior poll. read more

MuskTrump regime and schadenfreude

Amidst all the outpouring of words, images, claims and counter-claims about the activities of the Musk-Trump regime there is one word missing – schadenfreude.

For anyone who doesn’t know what it means it is that delicious experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of, or witnessing, the troubles, failures, pain, suffering, or humiliation of another. In this case, the experience all those people who didn’t vote for Trump are starting to get. read more

Those were the days

When you decide to repaint the interior of the house – with all the unpacking and packing of things and fraught decisions about what to keep and what not to keep – there are often some strange surprises.

In the midst of clearing a cupboard containing old cricket bats and tennis racquets– none of which used in some decades – there was a copy of 20 January 1990 edition of The Age. It hadn’t been saved for any newsworthy reason – simply as wrapping paper. read more

There always be an enemy

The English often sing There’s Always Been an England. For America the song would probably be something along the lines of there will always be an enemy.

In the US case it would be a combination of enemies – real and imagined – from both outside and inside the country. First Nations people, The British, African slaves, communists, gays, drug dealers, radical teachers, universities, woke people, civil rights activists, feminists, and many others – all have had a prime role in US paranoia at various points in history and often simultaneously. read more

Dishonouring the missing

The Australian War Memorial must be delighted with a recent Age article (Shane Wright 8/2) which gives a breathless account of a ‘new vision’ for the Australian War Memorial.

He mentions the display of helicopters, a bit of HMAS Brisbane, armoured vehicles and lots of other stuff to excite the young about weapons. read more

Get your snout in the trough with Dutton’s new thought bubble

Ah – Peter Dutton loves the past when sheilas knew their place, blokes were blokes and boozy lunches were a key characteristic of the business environment.

He also seems to love the boozy tax deductible days when company staff entertained clients, or each other, and then deducted the cost from their tax. Now he wants to bring it all back by introducing a new version of that old system. read more

Musk a perfume now on the nose

Elon Musk may not have fallen out with Donald Trump just yet, but he is definitely on the nose with the American public.

The Washington Post (28/1) recently brought together a wide variety of opinion polls on how Musk is seen. The Post says Musk doesn’t seem to have lost appeal among the Republican base, but the rest of the US population has different views. “Musk is hardly a pariah, but he is viewed increasingly sceptically”, The Post said. read more

An insider’s view of how public relations really works