Who leads and who follows in the right wing media stakes?

We hear a lot about bubbles, post truth and so on – all important in their way – but obscuring a larger puzzle: are the right wing media leading or following their audiences?

The puzzle was highlighted by a recent New York Times article on what it termed the ‘civil war’ among the right wing commentariat. The article by Robert Draper (September 29) highlighted the problems confronted by a right wing media activist and a key Tea Party player, Erick Erickson, who opposed Trump then lost 30,000 subscribers, was maligned by other conservative commentators and received numerous death threats. read more

Politicians no longer knowing what to do

The EC President, Jean- Claude Juncker, is believed to have said some years ago that: “We all know what we need to do, we just don’t know how to get re-elected after we do it.”

Whenever there is discussion of ‘reform’ or the current economic problems the phrase gets trotted out with the sub-text – the masses don’t know what’s good for them. But the problem may be different altogether as the author, James Crabtree, said in the Weekend FT (17-18 September 2016). “What if the rich world’s political class no longer know what to do?” he wrote. read more

One thing you can’t Google is what you should be Googling

One of the amazing things about humans is that they are all convinced they are above average. If you don’t realise what this means you are an example of what is known as the Dunning-Kruger effect. Basically the finding indicated that the smartest among us realise their limitations while the rest are not aware of quite how ill-informed they are – which is a nice way of saying dumb and dumber. read more

There’s money in beer for some PR people

It has been common to believe that, while small to medium consultancies are doing well, there are fewer really big accounts around as corporates and government beef up their own communication functions and salaries.

So it was good to see some really big fees earnt from the massive Anhaeuser-Busch InBev SABMiller takeover according to the shareholder documents released late in August. The banks were big winners out of the 79 billion pounds deal with financing and advisory banks getting north of a billion pounds – almost as much as the taxmen. The blog reports this in pounds and US dollars because it derived the information from The FT (20-21 August 2016) and couldn’t be bothered converting to $A after recently holidaying in Europe and finding the process disconcerting. read more

The contemporary communications paradox

At a time when the range and nature of communication channels has exploded it has never been more difficult to make yourself heard or heeded.

While we have an increasing number of ways to reach people the reality is that more and more of them have closed their ears and minds to messages which don’t fit with their belief systems or prejudices. It is this paradox that explains much about political surprises such as Brexit and Trump; the difficulty of convincing the minority that keep making poor health choices and of getting the Australians who are making obesity as big a problem here as it is in the US to eat less and more wisely; and why business and political leaders are proving incapable of convincing people that what business and conservative politicians believe as gospel is not nonsense. read more

Leadership in the face of Anzackery

The continued militarisation of Australian history and the consequent manufacture of ignorance about both our general and our military history suffered a minor setback the other day.

The setback was largely due to the intelligent leadership of someone who knows much more about military history than the politicians who cloak themselves in the flag and foster the myths about Gallipoli as the defining national Australian event. The occasion was the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan – the biggest battle Australian troops have been involved in since the Korean War – and one in which vastly outnumbered troops fought bravely supported by massive artillery support (from the blog’s old Battery, although on an earlier tour than his, and NZ gunners) and armoured personnel carriers. read more

Taking a break part three

Andrew Bolt

 The blog has read all of Peter Corris’ books and regularly reads his column in the Newtown Review of Books published by Gleebooks.

In a recent post he recounted his meeting with a matelot. “In April 1998 Captain Ken Blyth, a Scot and an experienced and respected merchant mariner, was in command of a tanker transporting thousands of tons of fuel through the South China Seas. The vessel, named the Petro Ranger, was boarded by pirates, diverted to a secure harbour and held for some time, with the crew under restraint, while negotiations went on between various interested parties.” read more

Taking a break part 2

As the blog had a huge file of things which it thought interesting its annual taking a break is in three parts. This is part two.

It’s an exciting time to be an innovative, agile Australian researcher

Well up to a point according to the OECD’s latest science and technology data reported on by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Needless to say they don’t spend a lot of time analysing the Australian situation (although they do provide links to the full OECD data) but they do show that Australia is a laggard in the energy and environment fields and only has a modest investment in defence R&D – a good thing on the face of it until you realise that much US defence R&D is actually industrial policy under a name more acceptable to US legislators. read more

Taking a break part one

The blog is taking a break for a while. In the meantime some odds and sods until it resumes.


Long before the blog became a PR person it read Daniel Boorstin’s 1961 book The Image. The blog hadn’t thought of it much lately until reading a review of Donald Trump’s campaign autobiography Crippled America by Mark Danner (NYRB 26 May 2016). read more

Bismarck’s apocrypha and the City of Port Phillip

Bismarck’s comment about sausages and legislation is probably apocryphal but it keeps being repeated because it is so apt.

How apt the blog discovered when it spent four and a bit hours at its local Council’s meeting to make a three minute submission which was misunderstood by one councillor; provoked a Kumbaya moment in another who was having palpitations about ‘negativity’ when obviously we should all be channelling ‘positivity’; and subjected to managerialist obfuscation by staff commenting on the subject. read more

An insider’s view of how public relations really works