For many journalists, recent Federal voting intention polls will be an opportunity to demonstrate a quality they share with many other Australians – innumeracy.
Come in Spinner: The perpendicular pronoun in politics and management
Reflective politicians and managers often struggle with when to use the perpendicular personal pronoun and when to use collective ones.
Come in Spinner: What makes a crisis management apology credible?
PR people have discovered the power of the apology. The problem, as Alan Jones has shown, is the nature and timing of the apology.
The trusted counsellor
Delivered to the Victorian PRIA Golden Target Prize Presentation, September 29 2012
Come in Spinner: There’s something about Louise
What is really interesting about Louise Adler and the current controversy is not publishing and polarisation but rather what it says about Melbourne and modern management.
Come in Spinner: Security theatrics
‘Security theatre’ is great public relations for governments, spy agencies, security firms and others in the security-intelligence complex along with being very, very profitable.
Come in Spinner: Spinning the monarchical succession
Monarchical PR actually tells us much about the real history of PR and helps explode the myths promulgated around the ruling US-centric view of PR history.
Come in Spinner: Out of caves our opinions come
A recent article in Science tries to explain racism, fear of outsiders and, by extension, illuminates the huge success of the anti-immigrant and anti-refugee campaigns of Howard, Le Pen, Abbott and the US nativists in an evolutionary psychology framework.
Come in Spinner: Disney and the health thought police on the same wavelength – almost
The Walt Disney Channel has managed to pull off a very successful PR coup which does “surprise” us even if on closer analysis it may not be that surprising at all.
Come in Spinner: Census red faces for advertising agencies and politicians
The latest Census figures ought to cause some red faces among advertising agencies, PR people and politicians. Sadly they probably won’t.