One of the great things about shameless use of rhetoric and ridicule is that it inspires backbenchers to bay for more. One of the less great things is that it can come back to haunt you.
Come in Spinner: A momentous day
It’s a little over a month away from one of those immensely important historic dates – April 25 - which prompt us to think about who were are and how we got here.
Come in Spinner: PR and the loss of civility
Are the PR industry and the media to blame for the loss of civility in public life?
Come in Spinner: A kerfuffle in a cocktail glass
The PR industry is experiencing a bit of a kerfuffle in a cocktail glass at present.
Come in Spinner: How much of universities’ branding spending is wasted?
Universities in Australia and the UK have been spending more and more on marketing themselves, and seeking to create unique brands which will allegedly help them succeed, often with very doubtful results.
Come in Spinner: When diving into PR it’s the degree of difficulty
The Power Index’s Top 10 PR people raises some fascinating questions about how you judge PR people and their influence in what is essentially a transient industry operating within complex societies.
Come in Spinner: Framing the Middle East
Amidst all the turmoil within the Middle East diplomats, governments, communities and political advisers spend an enormous amount of time trying to frame the turmoil and events in ways which best suit their own aims.
Come in Spinner: Searching out authenticity
Companies, politicians, marketers and many others constantly aspire to finding, suggesting, mimicking or demonstrating authenticity. The ongoing saga of the real and the other Julia are but one manifestation of that.
Come in Spinner: Why we make dumb choices
Why do political pundits, company directors, stock broking analysts, investors, policy people, governments and just about every one you can think of make dumb choices?
Come in Spinner: Pundit time strikes again
Why do pundits keep making predictions even though their track record is so bad?